6 thoughts on “8 and 11

  1. OMG! A rail car! I am a drag racer at heart and these machines are a beast. The super wide tires, the long narrowing body and the roar of their engines make my blood flow like nothing else. The reality is they are also killers. In my teens, several of us spent time around a guy older than us who had a rail car. We would watch totally fascinated as he worked to tune the car for a race. The houses were rocked when he hit the ignition and I’ve been hooked on racing since. He later died in a racing accident. But he did what he loved and that is a great way to die! 🙂

      1. I love old cars, race cars, even jacked up cars and monster trucks, although they are too loud for me. I’ve only been to one Monster Truck show. I would love to drive one but would shit myself doing it. that’s the adventure I miss in my life. I was much younger then. 🙂

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