about sedge808

I started taking photos in 2009. before that i wasn’t interested in photography at all.
i was a victim of crime (at the time) and needed to get evidence for police. my mobile phone took crap photos so i bought a cheap point and shoot camera.
i soon discovered that i enjoyed it and had a flare for it as well.
i’m mostly and urban photographer, but will take photos of pretty much anything.

it was all colour in the beginning, then started to notice the b&w photos on flickr.
the change from colour to b&w was a bit of a shock to my flickr friends so i decided to follow Mobius Faith on wordpress and start a ‘black and white’ photography blog.
i have a sense of humour and enjoy a joke and a larf.
i welcome feedback, as i don’t take myself seriously.
hope you see something you like.


122 thoughts on “about sedge808

      1. Hi Gavin,

        Calling sedge808.wordpress.com a B&W blog is quite a misnomer if not misleading. To SoundEagle’s acute sense and sensibility, it is far from just black and white or monochrome; it is many shades of grey, and many grades of light and dark(ness). SoundEagle likes the shadiness and ambiguity in your photos and subjects, and the dance of shadows and/in twilight.

  1. Hey, Gavin–I’ve been following you for a while and truly enjoy the shadows and b&w you do. Just came by to look (because I hadn’t seen anything for a while) and apparently I am not getting publication notices via email. I’ll “unfollow” you, then”follow” again to see if that helps. Don’t want to miss any of the good stuff!.

  2. Well, you’ve done an amazing job, if you only started photography in 2009! You had a hidden talent you didn’t know about! Most people do, and it takes a long time to discover them sometimes, because the garbage of life can prevent it all from coming out! I’ve really enjoyed your photography Gavin, and will return again soon!
    Suzy 😀

      1. Awesome! Welcome!
        I will do an official announcement shortly and again I welcome you and salute you as a Survivor. 🙂

  3. Super ton blog …beau travail …des bonnes idées et riches en cultures…merci de partager cela à tous …Marcel

  4. Guess what? You’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! You do not have to accept the award. Simply know that I think you deserve it because of your blog’s content and hope I made you smile. 😀 If you do choose to accept the award, follow the rules found here–> The Versatile Blogger Award | White Rabbit’s Gallery. Thank you for your blog!

  5. Hi Gavin, I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award and “I am part of the WordPress Family Award” You’re the first person I’ve contacted. I’m not clear what’s next. I’ll get it together tomorrow, I know I need to send you a copy of the nomination but I’m having trouble with how to copy the award image over. I love your perspective on B&W photography. Maybe one day for me.

      1. I know I’m so far behind in getting these out. I love them to and hope to earn everyone out there. If my writing is that good it will happen. It’s funny you sent me a comment as I pushed send button on your nomination. You deserve both and they will look very nice on the wall with your others.I’ll get back to you once I know what the hell I’m doing. XO

  6. Hello there I am here to thank you that you liked my post ” Love of Mother” . Please visit again, your opinion and comments are valuable for me.
    May Allah bless you and your loved ones, ameen

  7. Gavin,
    I have been coming and reading your posts here for a little while now, anonymously, without joining the place. Thank you for being you and sharing so openly. I just had to let you know what an inspiration you have been to me and my photographic progression. You have helped give me strength to actually believe in myself and my own journey of mental health healing, through the many expressions of frustration and otherwise that you have shared with us all.
    Kudos to you, Gavin.

  8. Hi: I thought that I was following your blog, but today I see that I was mistaken… So here I go into yr. followers. I will come back to visit what I missed. I want to thank you for your presence in my blog’s comments over the long haul. Very nice of you. Vera

    1. thank you Vera.

      ‘I thought that I was following your blog, but today I see that I was mistaken’

      that has happened to me as well.

      Cheers, Gavin.

  9. Really great stuff in here. I too am having a love affair with digital black and white, although it isn’t an exclusive relationship. 🙂 May I ask if you use Adobe for your B&W processing? – Cheers

  10. Me too I’m funny! Lol odd thing to say! I like that you didn’t start out to be a photographer! You definitely have your own style! I like it! I bookmarked your blog so I can see your photos on a daily basis or so! I should use my reader but I like to visit and hang around! If I get pesky shoo me away! 😄

  11. MichelleMarie recommended I follow and check out your blog Gavin 🙂 I have just started a blog myself, so still learning the ropes, as it were ! I enjoy black and white myself, and am looking forward to using black and white film in some old film cameras.

  12. Hello Gavin, dropped in to thank you for the like on my post on Lake Boga Flying Boat museum. So glad you enjoyed it and it was great to get positive feedback. Your photos are great. I liked the B&W medium also. GG

  13. Hello Gavin,
    Your photography is beautiful. I love the black and white! You have a keen eye.
    Thank you for visiting, and the like on my post. Have a wonderful day. Peace!

  14. Stopping by to say hello and to tell you how much I enjoy visiting your site. Outstanding work, thank you for sharing. E

  15. Hello sedge808,

    I am writing to tell you that I have moved to a new site it is:


    New and Fresh…

    I do hope that you will visit the new site and continue following me. I love your work and hope to continue seeing it.

    Unfortunately Blogger does not import my followers so I am doing it one by one.

    See you at the new site.

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